
It's over...the delicious days of nothingness by the pool.  I might cry.  Does is look like Rob is crying? 
He should, but he's not.
Did you know that in 16 years of knowing that man I have NEVER seen him cry?
Not when he left me and his family for two long years to serve a mission in Mexico...
Not when he came home and could kiss glorious me, again...(and two other girls, I might add, she said bitterly)
Not when he was sealed to yours truly in the SL Temple for ETERNITY...
Not when his wife gave birth to his three beautiful children...
He DID shed a tear, so I heard, when he shot a very well antlered mule deer in 2004!!!  Go figure.
Hunting season is upon us!! Goodbye sweet summer.


NandM said...

We could have a long delicious two hours by the pool in Kamas. Maybe he cried when he got his tats. That looks like it would hurt. :)

Robster said...

mabey i was just born without tear ducts and i have spent the last 33 years crying on the inside all the time. Especially right now.

Kristine Watterson said...

Whatev, Captain Emotionally Stunted Man, whatev.

NandM said...

Did you run out of ambien Rob? Is that why you're crying??? :)

the holmans said...

And goodbye to my hunter... gotta love our hunter gatherers...

Charity said...

Hi Kristine! ... so I had to laugh at your post on Brody...he and my Samuel would get along really well. Your "Welcome Home" sign made me laugh...that is so you...I miss you! Also, loved the beach photos...we were there vacationing during the surf competition so we must have just missed each other...darn it. I hope you have a beautiful Fall.

Kellie said...

I'm commenting everywhere, I just have too many comments I guess! But I think that's amazing Rob has been able to hold back tears for so long. Actually I'm kind of jealous. I hate crying!

Steph said...

Ah, what a perfectly delicious day! I can't believe we never met up to go swimming... one day!