
Did you know??

That Lagoon is closed on Fridays, as early as August 27th?  We didn't either, so we drove an HOUR to get there...to find it closed!  The kids were sobbing.  (We went back the next day and had a blast)
Can you believe that?  August, jeez!


NandM said...

You kill me. I love the picture of you trying to heft the kids over the fence. GOOD TIMES!!! Call me. Everytime I call you're in the "shower."

Steph said...

What?! That's lame. I hope you went in the park anyway and did something naughty. Serves 'em right.

NandM said...

Sounds like National Lampoons Vacation at Wally World. (This is from Nate) Still makes me laugh everytime I look at the picture.

Kellie said...

No idea! I would have been so mad. That's so nice you took the kids back the next day... they are so lucky to have you for a mother!