
Brody's Big First!

My baby, my comfort, my buddy, and my Brody went to Kindergarten for the first time, today. 
He was super stoked to go with the girls on the big kid bus! 
So excited that I had to make him come back to give me a kiss and a hug.  I asked him to let me drive him to school and walk him to class and he said -Please, NO mom!  Gracie can take me.
So, I followed the bus to school anyway...with maybe a couple of tears.
When he walked off the bus and saw me, he exclaimed in supreme frustration -Why are you ALWAYS here?
I made him smile for this picture anyway, but the pose...that is all him, yowser!
I cried a little, showered and then went to breakfast with a couple of friends!  I will survive :)  I love my boy, he is delicious. 
He came home a really tired chico, this week should be a bit of a transition...but, he is so happy!  I'm glad he likes school...he has A LOT more of it!


Robster said...

hurray, you posted! Its so nice to come back from work and see the blog. If brody keeps posing like that we are going to have to get him into cheer and teach how to incorporate the flare fingers. he looks so happy in all the pics, i can totally relate to you stalking him, i feel his pain. j/k miss you already.

NandM said...

Thanks for updating your blog!! I know you do it just for me. Looks like your family had a great time in Cali. This mother now feels like a "CHUCK" for not taking first day of school photos. I was just so glad to shove them out the door that I forgot. What a awful mom.

Emily W said...

WOW! Your kids look so grown up in these pictures. I guess when you don't see them often (like its been years since I have seen them) you always have a certain image in your head.

You can be a big girl. Imagine all the stuff you can do with your free time.

Steph said...

He is such a stud! You're such a cute mommy to follow him to school and to have the welcome home sign all ready for them to come home to! And I LOVE his reaction to seeing you when he got off the bus!

Sarah said...

Your kids are ADORABLE!! Your little guy is sooo handsome! He's gonna be a heartbreaker, for sure! Hope you're doing well! Miss you!

the holmans said...

Wow, love the welcome home sign you are the best mommy ever... Love ideas like this one might just steal it!!!

Kellie said...

What a cutie!!!! I mean seriously, can he get any cuter? That is just so sweet you followed him on the bus. How did you ever stop crying???