
I was thinking about something, I love about Rob, tonight...
He is a very patient, loving, and talented teacher to our children. (and his nieces and nephews)  Even though he is an imposing figure and you wouldn't expect it from him, he will get down on his knees and soften his tone and just connect with them.  It is really special, a real talent that he has been blessed with. 
This last weekend we went to cut down wood for the winter and I saw him show his nephew and his son how to use, and let them try, a chainsaw.  They are both boys, so of course they were thrilled...but, the special part is the voluntary bit.  He asks them if they want to try.  He never has to be prompted to help the children around him, he just loves them.  (Most of the time, the man is not perfect, obviously he finds kids annoying sometimes!)  I see him do it so often with our own children and others that I take it for granted.  I just wanted you to know, babe, how amazing you are when you teach the little ones around you.  You really give them a patient and kind example.  Thank you for being the way you are, and helping me raise our babies.
P.S. Yes, I used my sweet chainsaw and NO I did not cut myself, take THAT Mom!!


NandM said...

Your hubby should open a daycare center. "Rowdy Rob's". I'd send my kids as long as the chain saws are provided. Thanks for a great start to my day!! I am so glad that we are pals.

Robster said...

its nice to know that i have a redeeming quality to offset my many faults. Thanks for being patient with me and for making me feel special. you really are the very best. I love you.

Steph said...

I'm so glad your babies have such a good daddy! Those pictures of Rob and Brody are so sweet!