
As Commanded

This is how mine and Rob's conversation went last night (over skype).

Rob: Kris, do you have anything up tomorrow?
Me: Just laundry and house stuff, why?
Rob: A blog post would be nice.

TAH DAH!  Here is today, in a few boring pictures...
I went on a grueling 5 mile bikeride with my friend's two year old in a trailer.  My legs have not forgiven me.  On a self deprecating note, I went with a friend who does eighteen miles every day and races of 100 MILES...I am pathetic.
I picked up my son, off of the kindergarten bus...he never ceases to be a bright sunshine of a boy...even now while I type this he is walking around the house singing some random pop song.  He is such a lovey!
I miss him way more than I thought I would!
As I mentioned, the boy is a lovey...this is the two year old that my legs will never forgive.
I know this post is mostly about B, but he seriously brightened my day today.  So, then he ate some cookie dough in gloves, cause seriously, doesn't everyone?
Then we all did homework, practiced piano, whined extensively, and went to Navajo Taco night at our ward.  It was a very eventful day. 
There's your post, so quit your whining! 
We miss you, Daddy.


Robster said...

its about time yo !! Thanks.

Emily W said...

Tell him just just stop reading your and read mine. Minus next week while I'm in CA, it will be full of stuff; my mom's visit, CA, Ellie's b-day.

Besides, can't he post stuff too?

NandM said...

Thanks so much Rob. I was wondering what was going on at your house too. Kristine you are awesome. I love how you can make the mundane seem exciting!!!

Kellie said...

Rob is so smart to ask for a post!!! I love seeing all the fun things you're doing, and I don't know how Rob doesn't get extremely homesick reading about all the drama back at home... love you.