
There were never such devoted sisters!

My two sisters, one in person and one in spirit, on the phone! Deb, we miss you so much and love your pensive baby. She is so beautiful and you are doing such a good job! Motherhood rocks, but you rock it like no body's business! Incidentally, this is Bubba presently. He is so yummy.


stephschmidt said...

I love how much you love your sisters! And I love the picture of the little man... nothing sweeter than a sleeping child!

Kristine Watterson said...

I love you! Steph!!

Laura said...

Sisters are great. I am excited cuz one of mine just moved back to Utah. :) I loved your last comment on my blog by the way, so true.

Anonymous said...

I wish I were there so effing bad. There, I said it.

amanda said...

Your little bubba looks just like you. So cute.
And I am with you on sisters. They are the best!!