
Not Today, but Another Day

An awesome seminary teacher I had in high school said that we should make every day our best day so far. I have a wicked cold right now and just can't seem to do that today, but I will reflect on some really good days I have had in the past.
The day Rob came home from his mission was an awesome day for reasons I have heretofore mentioned below. http://www.watterson5.blogspot.com/2008/07/flashback-friday.html
My friend Amy came with me for support and that was a great part of it, too. My whole family and Amy, I had some serious back up for a guy that didn't know if he liked me or not and had no idea I would be there!

Steph, do you see Todd in the back of that hug? He's thinking, I'm sure something bad about me...that's common with him, eh? ha ha

The day he came back from fishing with his brothers was pretty good, too! Any day when we were dating was fun, we did so many fun things together. It was fun to be that twitterpated!

My 19th birthday in 1996 at Utah State University, rooming with Robyn M. I recieved a big arrangement of flowers and some beautiful earrings. It was so fun to be away for school, so really I could say pretty much anyday at USU was great! That night, Robyn and I decided to rearrange our room...we did it about five more times during the year, all different! We had fun.

I know I have had lots of fun days and I will have many more Best Days so far, today isn't one of them...maybe tomorrow!?!


amanda said...

It's good to remember the good days. You inspire me to think of them as I am in the middle of packing and moving and leaving my wonderful neighborhood to move in with my dad and be away from my husband for a month or two.....
Maybe we could do lunch or something while I am still here.

stephschmidt said...

Hahaha - ok, so you might be right about your Todd comment... good thing he's changed his bad attitude, huh? We had the best time with you guys last weekend - I told Todd we need to plan a monthly date night with you guys :) Sorry about your cold - that sucks! Shall I bring you some soup? I love the pictures - apparently you've always been gorgeous!

BS and the Kids said...

I want to leave a comment about one of my best days being you and Robin showing up on my doorstep in college to scoop my boyfriend away from me, but I won't--ha ha. Seeing that picture of you and Robin reminded me of that. Hope you are feeling better.

Nicalee said...

You have had a bunch of awesome days Kris, and you only have many, many more to come!

jillalicia said...

We are really going to need to get together soon! And I need your address for Christmas cards!