
Deer Hunt 2008 (Don't look if you're squeamish)

Robert and his brother, Justin hunted the Deseret Livestock area this year and harvested these nice bucks! They took these pictures in and outside of the barn, at home, after they had caped (skinned) them. Bloody, but pretty! Rob said that because of the harsh winter, last year, the deer population was down and antler growth was minimal... so, they were happy to get these deer. (All of that translated means, Kris is the best wife ever for posting my bloody animal pictures with an explanation of hunting...Thank you, Thank you.)


amanda said...

Holy Cow!! You've been busy. I just caught up on all your posts. First of all, your view is gorgeous. I'd love to see your house. 2nd, the pumpkin carving looks so fun. And 3rd, woah on Rob and his wacky beard and crazy dead animals.

Nicalee said...

That's just too bloody for me, blood makes me sick! Just kidding, love the bucks or bambi's dad, or whatever the heck they're called, congrats boys!

stephschmidt said...

Apparently I am one that you were talking to when you mentioned squeamish.... And I would absolutely have to agree, Rob is dang lucky to have you for a wife!

Laura said...


the holmans said...

Brett has been checking your blog daily for this post... He is not disappointed!!!! He wants more...measurements, spread, how long was the shot, he wants more, much more... He agrees you are the best wife ever for posting the pics