
What did you do??

You know the movie Tommy Boy? Specifically the part when David Spade blames the car door coming off on Chris Farley? He says...What did you do??? That's how I felt when Rob, my sweet husband, walked out looking like this!!
(forgive the naked chest, he was just getting into the shower and came out to show me his coolness.)


amanda said...

What is up with all the tattoos?? Oh and the crazy goatee?? You poor dear.

Nicalee said...

Rob, you are a dork. End of sentence.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rob. Rob, Rob, Rob.

stephschmidt said...

That is freakin awesome! Might make it even more difficult to get into the temple next time, but whatever.

Laura said...

Oh I so feel your pain. Zeth decides to do this every so often too. One time he decided to have the goatee the week Gwen was born. So all of our pictures that day and week he looked like a nasty trucker.