
Tagged by Sarah Quincy

Eight is a lot, I might not have eight answers for some of these...

8 Favorite TV shows...
1. Lost
2. Channel 5 News
3. Nightline
4. Eli Stone
5. Life
6. Dancing with the Stars (Only the dancing, I change the channel during the judging...pretentious brits)
7. BYU devotionals on 11
8. Mr. Bean

8 Favorite Resturants
1. SaraBeth's
2. PF Changs
3. Cafe Rio
4. Costa Vida
5. Coldstone (I don't care if that counts, it's delicious)
6. Baja Cantina
7. Su Casa
8. A pizza place in Brooklyn that Deb knows the name of.

8 Things that happened yesterday
1. Gracie went to school
2. Rob went to work, and then to more work
3. I cleaned the upstairs
4. I folded some laundry
5. My awesome Mom took Nicalee, my kids and I to lunch and shopping
6. I made spaghetti, green beans and applesauce for dinner
7. I bathed my kids and read two chapters of little house on the prairie
8. Rob and I watched Eli Stone and went to bed!

8 Things I look forward to
1. Paying off our house, car, etc...
2. Not being sick anymore!
3. Making out with Rob
4. Rob finishing our backsplash in the kitchen
5. Dinner with cousins this weekend
6. Fun times ahead, weddings, siblings having babies, good stuff like that
7. Christmas, Thanksgiving, all the good holiday fun coming
8. Getting old and no one being able to tell me what to do!

8 Things I love about fall
1. Snow anticipation!
2. The colors
3. Hot chocolate and a warm fire, with a good book to make it perfect
4. A little cold in the air
5. Wearing more clothing
6. Halloween
7. Apples
8. Drives up and down Parleys

8 On my wish list
1. My kids to have rock solid testimonies of the Gospel
2. A lot of money in savings and my food storage all done
3. A Maid
4. A Cook
5. An elliptical machine and some weights
6. That my kids will love to read and always want to learn
7. ten pounds gone
8. That my kids will have a spouse that they really enjoy living with

8 People I tag... ( I don't care if you do it! )
1. Stephanie
2. Nicalee
3. Debra
4. Jill C.
5. Amy
6. Jill S.
7. Jeremy Smith :)
8. Laura


Sarah said...

You're such a good sport! I loved your answers! Way cute page, too! How are you? How's your new home? Hope all is well!

stephschmidt said...

Ok, so apparently we watch the same TV shows, except the news, which I avoid at all costs. Didn't you love Life when he broke the dead frozen man? And I was sad to see Rocco leave DWTS, even though he was an awful dancer.

JR said...

Katie and I are the cousins Kristine was referring to having dinner with this weekend! We're famous now!