
The last couple days...

I have been so reflective the last couple of days. I think I had too much time, because my more than awesome sister, Nicalee, took my kids overnight and has let me get lost in reading blogs at her house for hours at a time. (Yes, I said Hours...pathetic? Possibly, but productive for my thoughts) I wonder what I should post on this blog, and finally I decided that it was for me. So, I will periodically wax severely sentimental about my kids or husband, and sisters. I'm positive I will also be mentioning my callings or feelings about being a mormon. These blogs fascinate me. It is amazing to be able to find people I grew up with and see them and their lives! I have had my share of unhealthy comparisons and have to occasionally not allow myself on the computer! I so easily get sucked into this! Today I read Nie Nie's blog, I first heard about her on the Today show in Sept. I noticed that her siblings that were being interviewed were so obviously LDS and was curious to get on this blog, so I did. It was really interesting, and inspiring in a way. The point of all of this is that I have put a button for her blog on my blog. I have also resolved to allow more love of my life into my life! I am commiting to myself to see less of the negative and strive to appreciate all of the little things! I hope that I can embrace my life more and enjoy it the way I should, for how very blessed I am!


stephschmidt said...

Hooray for fellow blog stalking friends! They are crazy, aren't they, how you can see into people's lives, whether they be old friends or new friends or people you don't really know? So interesting...

Anonymous said...

I'm going to do it with you, Kris. Hooray for more optimism! (How optimistic of me)

BS and the Kids said...

I just found her blog the other day as well. What an amazing story. I can't believe their stories.