
15 Days of Heaven, for him...Not so much for me!

Rob has been fishing in Alaska for the
last 15 days and since my life is excessively boring presently, I am posting about his trip. This picture of his brother, Justin, was taken just before he threw up over the side of this boat...

Here they are with their Halibut catch, Rob said that they are about as much fun to reel in as a piece of plywood. Doesn't sound to fun to me! The picture is of (left to right) Rob, his brother Justin, and Justin's friend Chris Pasker.
Rob had a lot of fun hanging out and fishing with his brother, they are good buddies. I'm sure it was not as fun as one of my fabulous girl trips with my hilarious sisters, but it was probably tolerable! Of course he was dying without me, just ask me! Well, one more year down...and hunting season is next. Needless to say, I am getting a lot of scrapbooking and reading done!


stephschmidt said...

WHAT?? Rob's back? Already? What happened to all our fun plans of our girls days? :( I am so bummed he's back already! We're missing you guys! I think a date night is absolutely called for. My people will be calling your people shorty :) I sure do love ya!

Nicalee said...

yeah, Rob's back and we never hung out either, so much for hilarious sisters beeeotch!!!

Jill C said...

You are such a trooper! His trip looks like it was a lot of fun. It is nice sometimes just to do your own thing...read, scrapbook, have cereal for dinner, etc.

Chris said...

Hey Kristine, it's Chris Ulrich, thanks for dropping by, blogs are great, I love to see what old friends are up to. Your family is adorable. I must say that you are quite the wife to let your husband go fishing for 15 days! Please remind him how lucky he is. Tell your brother Jason hi, I play in some fantasy baseball leagues with him, small world. Take care, Chris

amanda said...

You are such a good wife to let him go.I can't believe how BIG those fish are.

Laura said...

Lucky lucky boy!!! . Looks like tonz of fun!