
October Fun

 October has brought that gorgeous fall weather...Nic and I took our kids to This is the Place State Park.  It was really a fun day.  There was trick or treating and crafts...the kids had a lot of fun.

 Then, on the Friday before Halloween, I went to help with the kids parade at school.  I picked up my big middle schooler to watch her siblings and help with Ben, and she ditched and walked back to school before the parade even started.  What? 
 There was snow on the ground and a chill in the air!  Brody is wearing my gloves, as a result!

 Avery was working her red hair and lipstick, as she would!
 Brody had an army man appropriate hairstyle, because it had been red ribbon week and we had shaved half of his head on crazy hair day.  I was suprised that he let me, he is kind of a stick in the mud.  I originally asked if I could just shave the crown of his head to look like an old man :).  I knew he wouldn't go for it, but it couldn't hurt to ask! 
 I am loving the crisp weather and snuggly boys!
 Then, on Halloween, we went to the Ward Trunk or Treat.  It is so fun, I love the people here.
 Fall is the best season all year, it is soooo lovely!  I love these kids and my husband...we are incredibly blessed.


Last post about this, ever! (Unless I do it next year)

 This was our whole group, The Chupacabras...Rob's 4 brothers, Rob, Me, Misty (a guy from work, his girlfriend...she was super cool), Justin Koyle (from our ward, in Young Men's with Rob), and Rob's 66 year old boss!  He is incredible!  He is 66 and has had BOTH knees replaced!  He is full of metal and still went through both of the electrical obstacles, crazy determined! (and he's ripped, I think I have a little crush on his determination and fitness)
 We're off!!  This was the start of the whole thing!  We were heading towards a lot of cold and a lot of mud!
 Rob just loves his boss :)
 The ending of the boa constrictor...I know these are in crazy order, okay!
 I'm fake crying to the kids when we got to Everest!
 The Tough Mudder could not be done alone.  It is such an interesting process of needing eachother and complete strangers.  It makes you love people.  There are a lot of hard working and good people out there!  (and a lot that were not at the tough mudder, too:)
 This is when Rob's right arm came off and I sewed it back on, quick, before the Electro Shock Therapy!
 Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!  They worked hard together!
Well, that's it...(really I have so many more pictures and videos, but I'm so sick of uploading them and I'm sure you're sick of seeing them...onward and upward)
This whole thing was a riot, I loved it so much.  It gave Rob and I some extra love for eachother and I loved being with all of my awesome brother in laws, and Koyle.  Misty was super cool and fun to run with.  I am so thankful to be alive, healthy, and movin!!!

Some more for my sisters, who put everything on Facebook, even though I can't see it.

 This was the Mud Mile, and it really did feel like a mile.  You had to go up mud hills into water and up more mud hills.  Getting mud in your face/hair/everywhere was not an option, it was a fact!

 You REALLY had to help eachother, there was no other way.

 Then the boa constrictor...through tubes with water in them.

 And the funky monkey, where I proved once and for all that I have NO upper body strength.  I didn't even make one rung, if your counting!  That stance of Rob's is the "I swear, I didn't push you in" pose!  He was actually holding my waist trying to lift me from rung to rung, but as I said...NO upper body strength.
 Rob on the other hand...
This video is Everest, a crazy obstacle!
I have pictures of this, but they take soooo long to download.  Chad is the first one shown, being pulled up, then Rob gets up on his own, and then me...after that it is Misty, Justin, Jacob and Marc.


The video for the last post, finally!!

I am the one in all black, with neon green shorts, and braided hair.  I am in the back and hard to see, but Rob is the one in a sleeveless (of course) red shirt.


Tough Mudder 2012

This was the electric shock therapy at the end of 21 obstacles (it was the 21st) and 12 miles of running...the wires are live, whenever you hear popping, that hurts!
I am the one with braids in black, with lime green shorts...Rob is the one in the sleeveless red shirt. 
There are a LOT more pictures to come, this is just what had my Mom worried the most, so I am putting this on for her and Grandma to see :)
Everytime my back ducks I am taking a shock....not as bad as it seems, It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be!!
 See the blond girl in the lower left corner?  She entered way before us and came out after me and with some of us...you'll see on the video.  She must have gotten shocked a lot.  Yowser. Rob is on the ground behind the hay bale and I am hunched over, movin,  behind Chad.
 I'm out at this point, Rob is army crawling and Misty (the other girl in our group) just took one to the face, ouch!
 Rob is done, YEA!!

 We have our highly coveted orange headbands, that you can only get by running a tough mudder, and I think I am adjusting Rob's.  I am so annoying.
 They give you a free beer, so being angry about how much everything cost and non-drinkers we dumped them out!
 We are cold, wet, covered in mud, and have been excerting ourselves for 3 hours and 23 minutes...so, no pretty to be found here!!
We are just thankful to have made it and to be done!


Uncle, Uncle!! I can't keep up, clearly...

So much has happened since I posted for my hater brother in law, and I just can't take the time to do the posts...please forgive me, blog.  I am posting this for my grandma, who was shocked that anyone would want to run in mud.  Rob and I have been training for the Tough Mudder since June.  It has been very interesting.  The TM is on Oct. 13th, so we decided to do the Dirty Dash in Heber to get a feel for it.  It was 5.5 miles, where the TM is 10.  It really kind of freaked me out, but I am starting to feel excited.

This is Rob's younger brother, Jacob, Rob and I at the end...
 One of the many obstacles, I am on the top and Rob is just below me climbing down.
 I don't know who the green faced guy is, but I like his sense of humor!
 Rob and I are holding hands because we are just soooo in love, don't feel like your marriage might be inferior to mine, know that it is.  (If only you could be as mean as we are to eachother, your marriage would be as great as mine, ha!)
 We were clean once, sigh of longing.
 We had just realized that the woman with a baby strapped onto her, with a camera in her hands, was Jacob's wife Emily!
 Mud can't stop love, it just makes it a little gritty!
 This is Jacob trying to dunk me, because he is a dork,  See how Rob is just watching and not saving me?  Like I said, no need to compare your marriage to mine!
 It was a beautiful day, the mountains showing us some colors...and then the ice cold "shower" which was hoses.  Jacob liked torturing me there, too.  The showers were way worse than any of the obstacles, horrible ice cold water!!
The best part of training/running has been the power I have felt over this body of mine.  It has been surprisingly empowering to push myself past what I want to do or feel capable of.  I feel like I can do anything!!  But, right now dark chocolate and a few episodes of project runway on my comfy couch sound really nice :)