
Last post about this, ever! (Unless I do it next year)

 This was our whole group, The Chupacabras...Rob's 4 brothers, Rob, Me, Misty (a guy from work, his girlfriend...she was super cool), Justin Koyle (from our ward, in Young Men's with Rob), and Rob's 66 year old boss!  He is incredible!  He is 66 and has had BOTH knees replaced!  He is full of metal and still went through both of the electrical obstacles, crazy determined! (and he's ripped, I think I have a little crush on his determination and fitness)
 We're off!!  This was the start of the whole thing!  We were heading towards a lot of cold and a lot of mud!
 Rob just loves his boss :)
 The ending of the boa constrictor...I know these are in crazy order, okay!
 I'm fake crying to the kids when we got to Everest!
 The Tough Mudder could not be done alone.  It is such an interesting process of needing eachother and complete strangers.  It makes you love people.  There are a lot of hard working and good people out there!  (and a lot that were not at the tough mudder, too:)
 This is when Rob's right arm came off and I sewed it back on, quick, before the Electro Shock Therapy!
 Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!  They worked hard together!
Well, that's it...(really I have so many more pictures and videos, but I'm so sick of uploading them and I'm sure you're sick of seeing them...onward and upward)
This whole thing was a riot, I loved it so much.  It gave Rob and I some extra love for eachother and I loved being with all of my awesome brother in laws, and Koyle.  Misty was super cool and fun to run with.  I am so thankful to be alive, healthy, and movin!!!

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