
Tough Mudder 2012

This was the electric shock therapy at the end of 21 obstacles (it was the 21st) and 12 miles of running...the wires are live, whenever you hear popping, that hurts!
I am the one with braids in black, with lime green shorts...Rob is the one in the sleeveless red shirt. 
There are a LOT more pictures to come, this is just what had my Mom worried the most, so I am putting this on for her and Grandma to see :)
Everytime my back ducks I am taking a shock....not as bad as it seems, It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be!!
 See the blond girl in the lower left corner?  She entered way before us and came out after me and with some of us...you'll see on the video.  She must have gotten shocked a lot.  Yowser. Rob is on the ground behind the hay bale and I am hunched over, movin,  behind Chad.
 I'm out at this point, Rob is army crawling and Misty (the other girl in our group) just took one to the face, ouch!
 Rob is done, YEA!!

 We have our highly coveted orange headbands, that you can only get by running a tough mudder, and I think I am adjusting Rob's.  I am so annoying.
 They give you a free beer, so being angry about how much everything cost and non-drinkers we dumped them out!
 We are cold, wet, covered in mud, and have been excerting ourselves for 3 hours and 23 minutes...so, no pretty to be found here!!
We are just thankful to have made it and to be done!

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