
Gracie had a crazy Birthday!  She went to school and got picked up early (by her Mommy) to go to Avery's dermatologist appointment...then, off to the pharmacy.  After that we drove to her tumbling, and Brody's tumbling, and Avery's dance classes!  We did not get home until after their normal bedtime, so it was a rush to do the cake/present thing so they could go to bed!  She was a good sport about it all, as she often is.  Gracie is an above average kind of girl in every way, she is really a blessing to us, as parents and a family! Life is never boring when you are around, Goob.  You breath life and fun into everything!!   
 We LOVE You, Gracie...BIG TIME!  I wanna see!
Love, Mom

1 comment:

Steph said...

Happy Happy Birthday, beautiful Gracie! I can't believe it's been 9 yrs since you brought that little thing home, and over to our South Jordan house all those nights to hang... Ah, the good old days when we didn't live an hr away from each other :)