

The kids came up with an interesting way of entertaining themselves this morning.  They were rolling bouncy balls down this tape measure, it was actually pretty cool.  They crack me up.  Every once in a while I look at them and really like them :)
Look at that poser, Avis!  Of course the idea for this entertainment came from our own Captain Motion, as she has been called before, Gracie :)


Steph said...

I love it! I don't know WHY I thought they wouldn't be able to come up with something to do in CA next week... I doubt they'll be bored for a minute!

NandM said...

Be grateful it was a bouncey ball and not eggs. Your blog is so much fun to read. Glad that you are doing well. Hope the trip this week in Cali is just what the Dr. ordered. :)

Kapri said...

That actually sounds really fun, I kinda want to try it! Cute pictures too.

The Bundy Family said...

Love it! "every once in awhile I look at them and really like them". Love it! I don't think I have heard an expression I love more than that one in a long time. Might steal it. IF I do, I will note from a dear friend. Hope you are well.

The Bundy Family said...

Oh Kristine, you are so so sweet. I love that we have this connection through blogs. First of all, I cannot believe that you said that you were not the Nicole Kidman confident in highschool. You my dear, I always envied, You were/are beautiful as ever! Look at the man you caught, STUD. You are one of the most beautiful couples I know. High school is so kleshay (Spelling?). And I always wanted to be taller. I felt like a pip-squeak. Isn't it funny, what we perceive about ourselves is always different than what other do? You are such a positive person and it makes me feel so good every time you post on my blog. Thank you for being that kind of friend. I really thought that you were one of the most beautiful people in knew in high school, and not just on the outside, the inside as well, you were so kind all the time. It only seems that as the years go by you become more and more beautiful. I seriously mean that! That is so funny about the "handsome apostle", just so you know I think that way too. You crack me up. I only wish the best for you and your darling family and want you to know that I am grateful for our connection and friendship. I think if I were to see you, I would run up to you and give you a huge hug. Have a great day!