
Rob's "family" bikeride...

What a Saturday we had!  Rob went mountain biking in the morning, then we hit the garage sales in PC, and then we went as a "family" to bike the rail trail from Home Depot to Wanship.  It was Rob's idea and captain social pants invited his parents, two brothers and their families, and his cousin with kids.  We had a total entourage of 19 people on bikes!  We were a sight to behold!  It was a lovely day and a really nice ride.  A lot of it is downhill, so Brody and Avery made it on their little bikes and were SO proud of themselves.  I love it when Rob comes up with awesome things to do!
It was so nice to touch, see, and talk to my man.  Time with him is so glorious and wonderful! (Except when we get annoyed with eachother, then it's just okay)
Brody and his 2nd Cousin, they are soooo funny together.  They call eachother Dude!
Do you see that red face?  It was a hot day filled with a lot of good exercise!
Avery could NOT keep her helmet on straight, she complained when it was too tight...sheesh, kids!
Gracie enjoying a delicious Pink Lady apple!
Rob's cousin, Jeremy with his cuties


The Bundy Family said...

I love any family outing, especially bike rides. Arizona starts school earlier because I think we get out later than everyone, like June 1oth or something. I am glad, because it is so dang hot here staying inside really gets old fast, and the water in the pools is like bath water, so it isn't too refreshing. I love structure and schedules. I do well when the kids are in school. Not because they are gone, but because they are kept busy. My kids are very adventurous, energetic children so I kind of run out of ideas after about week 8, we had summer for 10 weeks this last one. Way too long! It is so fun keeping in touch with you. Your family is really adorable and you and Rob are like perfect beautiful people. I love the comment about getting on each other's nerves, then it is just okay. Ha ha ha. Well put. Take care good luck with the next few weeks of Summer.

Steph said...

How fun! I need to get a bike so I can come on your next family bike ride :) I'm calling you TODAY so we can plan!!