
For Memorial Day we visited my Grandma Alice, Gracie's namesake, also known as Granny with the Pool. She lives in Lodi where it is beautiful, smells delicious, and is heaven.

We arrived on Friday and visited Popi's grave on Sunday...

We drove 12 hours, in one day, and the first thing they felt like doing was jumping in a comfy hot tub to a freezing pool! Do you think all of the time in the car addled their brains?

There are always frogs at Granny's and the kids (and the big kid Daddy) had a riot hunting them down and subjecting them to a lot of love.

The next morning we went for a walk, down to the barn and canal. The kids got to pet a baby horse named River and Rob risked life and limb to catch them a tadpole. Ewww.

Brody bonded with Granny over a game that I still don't understand...and the girls played in the office. They made nothing short of 9,000 credit cards out of post-its and tape. If you don't have any left, Granny, I'm sorry!!!

After a whole lot of relaxing, walking, swimming, eating, and talking we packed up the car for the trip home.

We said all our goodbyes, took all these pictures and got in the car. The car wouldn't start! Our battery was shot, although we had no idea and thought it would be fine with a little jump. So, Rob took Granny's four wheeler down to the barn and got the battery jumpy thingy. It worked like a charm :)

When we reached Lovelock, the battery was dead again, because we made the mistake of turning the car off! So, after a lovely man in a sleeveless shirt (obviously Rob's kindred spirit of red neckedness) jumped our car, we finally reached Winnemucca. We stopped at the Super FatMart and replaced the battery, while the kids slept in clueless bliss. It was 12:00 A.M.. Thank you Walmart employees for working the night shift, we love you.

For these things I am thankful:

That Rob was there and is handy

That we didn't end up on one of those extremely long stretches of nothingness with no power

That the In n' Out, The smell of Lodi, and Granny's soft cheeks were all worth it!!!


Emily W said...

Even though it was a short trip, sounds like you guys had a blast. I am so jealous of all the family time and mini vacations you guys are taking. LIVE IT UP!

Steph said...

What a fun trip! I'm so glad you guys were able to go and have such a great time, and I too am glad you didn't get stranded on one of those extremely long stretches of nothingness with no power (have I told you how much I love your writing?!)

Stewart Family said...

Kris, wow does this all make me miss you. You have such a darling family! Love you

Kellie said...

Sounds like a fun trip, loved all the photos, and so glad you made it home safe. That could have been scary. You are lucky to have Rob!!!

NandM said...

Glad my trip was less eventful than yours. Although I bet Zack and I were louder and more obnoxious. Thanks again for having a blog. It is SO fun to read.