
Can't Help Lovin' That Man of Mine...

This sweet little, brown eyed, bit of cuteness just turned 33! We also recently celebrated our 11th year anniversary, so I am going to celebrate the man a little...

I realized I loved Rob when we were a ripe old 17 years of age. He told me, recently, that he could see glimpses of who I would be...back then. I think I must have felt the same way, because we were just two silly high schoolers, but there was no way I was letting him get away...he was and is an incredible person.

So, I married him at the ripe old age of 21! It was blissful and lovely, that fun day of making him all mine :)

There are many things that I did not know about Rob when we married...

#1 He makes beautiful, dynamic, resilient, fun, and talented kids.

#2 He is a baby whisperer, ask any of my friends who they give their babies to when they are fussy...it's Rob. He really does have a special talent with babies. I think it is because he is pure in heart and they can sense it, but whatev.

#3 He obviously does it for me, but he just keeps getting better with age. The salt and pepper is totally hot.
#4 He has an incredible work ethic, and literally NEVER gives up when he wants something. He is an unfailing provider, protector, and companion.

#5 He is fun loving and easy to live with. He will stop in the middle of a project (if you know his father then you know that this is a minor miracle) to help the kids and I build a monster snowman, just because. He is an AMAZING father. I have never felt the need to step in with he and our children, he is just and patient.

#6 He is an expert tooth puller/sliver taker outer. The kids won't let me within a ten mile radius of them, when they have a sliver. They will walk that ten miles to find Dad to take it out, because he is that awesome.

#7 If there is a Dad helping the kids catch lizards, it's gonna' be Rob. He is just one of the kids and they love him for it.

Rob has turned out to be so much better of a husband/father/man than I could have imagined. I knew he was my best friend and I needed to be with him, but he has so drastically outdone my original perception of who he was.
I feel like Heavenly Father gave me this great gift.
He is the best man I have ever known, and I do not say that lightly. Everyone has good in them and there are many good men. He is just my very favorite human being.
Here's to many more years together
and an eternity of, just before bed, us time.
Happy Birthday,
Happy Anniversary,
and I love you.


Steph said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! We love that Rob! (although apparently not nearly as much as you... which I daresay is a good thing...) and Happy Anniversary from your fantastic friend who didn't know anything about it! We love you guys - can't wait to see you again!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so he's your favorite human being? How very insulting to ME. Jerk.

Hee hee. Kidding. He's my bro.

Kellie said...

Happy Birthday Rob! Love the profile picture, classic!

NandM said...

Jane Austen eat your heart out!! I think the love stories we get to create are 10 times better than any romance, (although I would love to write the Darcy just out of the pond scene into my life :) Happy love day you two. We need to get together for an awesome date, no kiddies!!

the holmans said...

I have to say, I love that you Love him the way that you doooo.... so refreshing to hear of high school sweet hearts that MADE it!!!! Keep this feeling always and be so grateful for the fact that he just is that perfect to you.... my hearts still skips a beat when Brett walks in the room and I and so glad it does! Happy Anniversary you two!!!

The Running Kidd said...

Awww we love Rob!!!!! What a great post...he is lucky to have such an amazing wife that loves him SO much! Happy belated birthday Rob!