

Today, I watched one of my favorite movies, Lost in Austen and roasted marshmellows with a good friend

Then I went to Connie and Steve's for dinner and saw a whole slew of hummingbirds! (Yes they keep their Christmas lights up all year long :)

Then I put some pretty colored spots on some lamb's butts, they were determined to get in the garden today!!
It was a good day. Rob is back in Pocatello, so it is back to being a little lonely...but, very thankful for that man. I love him more when he is gone! I am so glad that we got to have him home for a few weeks, it was heaven!! I will try to not take it for granted when he is done with the Pocatello job :)
I was really thankful for my friend today, too. There are very few things better than a good movie, by a fire, with a great friend. I love my friends!!


Anonymous said...

I love Rob more when he's gone, too. Hee hee!

Kellie said...

Ha ha, you sister is funny... So I can't believe you are hangin' in there! It is so very hard to do any parenting alone, I feel for ya. You're so strong, and doing a great job of looking at the positive side of things.

I'm so sad because I wanted to see you while I was in Utah, but it was too crazy. I thought of calling you, but the only time I could see you would have been RIGHT THEN, and I didn't have your number so I became too lazy and did nothing. We're going to try to go to Utah this July, maybe you'll be around???


Steph said...

WHO is the crazy lady with the evil eyes?! I loved that day; I want to do it again right now! And yea, you weren't kidding, that is the longest movie ever! :)

NandM said...

WOW, two NEW posts!! I think we need to have your head checked. Love seeing the pictures and hearing all the news. Want to come to my house and shoot some dogs with a BB gun? I only want you to come if you are a really good shot!!

The Bundy Family said...

Oh girl, I am so with you on the lonliness business, but like you said, they are worth it. Here's to good friends. I would not survive without them, although I have found that my social skills are very much lacking. Hang in there. You are amazing.