
Kindergarten is almost over :(

Avery had her kindergarten program and it was delightful. (Especially Avery's singing/yelling, illustrated below) We got to sit by some of my favorite people and laugh at all those adorable kids! I was so thankful that Rob's been able to be home for a few weeks and was able to come, Avery was over the moon to have Daddy there. Seriously, moms are sooo overrated. I can NOT believe how quickly this school year has gone...Brody is next, everyone pray for me.


Steph said...

Oh my, I have GOT to stop laughing at some point. That Avery is something else! I just love her! You're beautiful, as always. Are we on for tomorrow?

NandM said...

Are you making plans without me? How could you? Well anyway, I appreciate the fact that you took the timeto update your blog as I have no life now that I am no longer the Primary Pres. All I doo is check blogs. (OK I am just kidding) I did call and you never called back!! Does that mean you get an "Elbow to the nose?"

Anonymous said...

No one is singing with the verve and commitment of Avery in that picture. She is a star and should be treated as such. Just reminding you.

Ahlquist Family said...

So fun! I can't believe how much your kids have grown since we first got reconnected! I will let you know when we are coming up!