
Disneyland Day 3, December 4th, 2009

Day three began with a few rides and a train ride to Toontown...
The best part of ToonTown are all of the photo opportunities! The kids were in hog-heaven, running around and touching EVERYTHING!
Mom's, too :)
Gracie was a little tired, so Minnie let her take a snooze on her very plush sofa.
While Brody made us some cake.

This picture is representational of the men for the whoooole trip. They were such troopers, pushin' kids and haulin' gear.
Amber and I made all the mad dashes for fast passes, we were "the man"!
I love how expressive our kids faces are, I love this picture!
Above is Avery in the very spot that my mom took a picture of me in 1992. I was 14 years old and Toontown had just opened.

So, of course I had to get my family on this same dogbed, 17 years later! Times sure have changed. (For the better...would anyone in their right mind want to be 14 again? NO! Especially in those socks? WTH was I thinking?)


Steph said...

I love that you have pics of you in the same places when you were 14 - that is awesome! I love ToonTown; it's such a great place!

Ahlquist Family said...

Lucky you! It looks like you had such a great time! How fun to go with a friend, too!!

The Running Kidd said...

I had so much fun looking at all your great pictures! I'm so glad your kids got to experience the magic of Disneyland! I used to live in So Cal when I was young so we had a season pass to Disneyland every year until I was like 10. I pretty much grew up there. I love it and I think every family should go there at least once!
ps- I think your socks ROCK! :)

Nicalee said...

Kris, I was laughing my head off at the pics of you as a 14 year old and then your family. Wow...time flies. How special to have those pics! You are so beautiful, inside and out. Lahvoo

Charity said...

Wow, I remember you that way! Thanks for sharing your family vacation. The pics were fun!