
Disneyland Day 2, December 3rd, 2009

The day started out with Cal. Adventure. LOOVED IT! That place has way better food, less lines, and rides that we loved. We went on Tower of Terror twice, Soarin' twice, Mulholland Madness twice (Brody's fav), and Screamin' twice (everyone else's fav). It was heaven.

And, we saw Santa!

We had a princess dinner, which was a lot of fun for the girls and surprisingly fun for Brody.

He said, and I quote..."I am going to marry her and then kiss her on the LIPS!" There really was a lot of emphasis on Lips. Rob's reply was, "Way to stick with the brunettes, Bud."

Avery met her fav
Gracie met hers...

And we had time to do some more Magic Kingdom! They did this neat ceremony to light up the castle, where a little boy asked for snow. My friend Amber turned to her son, who asked if it really would snow, and said "no honey, this is California". Right then they made it "snow" on Main Street, where we were standing, with soap bubbles. It really was magical and made me feel like crying a little.
P.S. I did pray, I'm loathe to admit, that the princesses we wanted would be at the dinner. (Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella) We had Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, Ariel, and Sleeping Beauty. How is that, for an answer to prayer?
I really was very thankful that little Avery got to meet her favorite princess and we didn't have to stand in line for 30 minutes to make it happen. She is my little princess, I wanted it to be special for her. I loved every minute of this day.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Woops. I digress. Your shirts are beatiful :)