
Disneyland Day 1, December 2nd, 2009

This was actually December 1st, after many hours of driving. We are happy to be showered and comfortable. We are even more happy that tomorrow we get to go to Disneyland!!

On the shuttle, in the morning, we are on our way!
Boston, Brody, Sadie, Gracie, Avery...our crew of youngsters.

I love it when he pretends to like me. It makes me pretend to like him :)

Avery's own personal Fairy Godmother, at the character breakfast.

Gracie and Christmas Minnie. Seriously, there were a lot of variations of the characters running around.

Brody and his evil friend!

We are happy to be here! (I couldn't find my Watterson Family shirt from our family reunion this summer, so everyone but me was matching. I'm glad I didn't get stolen, no one would have been able to find me, with that non-descript t-shirt on!)

Finally, the part that Mommy and Daddy were excited for! RIDES!!! Brody NEVER stopped asking to go back on Buzz Lightyear, it was his favorite. (We did ride it three more times)

It was a long, but fun day! I really recommend the Unofficial Guide to Disneyland's schedules and tips, they totally worked. We did not wait for one ride, over 5 minutes, following that schedule. Sheer awesomeness.
Gracie was a little put out, you can barely tell.


Anonymous said...

Clearly Gracie was not being treated correctly when that last picture was taken. WHAT did you DO?

Steph said...

Oh my gosh, Gracie's face in that last picture, right next to Avery's is CLASSIC! I love it! Didn't you love the character breakfast?! That is one of my favorite things. And I am ticked that you didn't make the bday tshirts you were going to! Bad mommy/wife/bday girl!