
Oquirrh Shadows Temple

Nicalee, my sister, and I took our kids to the open house of the Oquirrh Shadows Temple. It was so beautiful. Even an undedicated temple has so much peace to offer, inside of it. The White on White color scheme and the star chandeliers (Which I learned were representational of the Orders of the Priesthood) were my favorites.
The girls were cute.

The boys were annoying.

We did our best to ignore it.

I love to see the Temple! I hope that my children remember these times and that it is helping them t0 have a foundation of a testimony in the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Nic, for being such a great sister and going even when you were uncomfortable pregnant!


Laura said...

What a pretty temple. Hopefully we'll get to make it out to this dedication too!

Steph said...

What beautiful pictures! You are such an awesome mom to take your kids to these temples. I have yet to take Dallin to one. I'm sure they'll remember it forever.

the holmans said...

I work right across the street from this temple. It is so beutiful, lucky kids to have a mom with such a stong testimony... you and your sister are so gorgeous!