
I have been very neglectful, as of late, and I am sorry! Last week I went to Girl's Camp and before that I let it (my responsabilities) take over my life and my head. That is so rare with me, I know, because I am SO not intense. Do you sense my sarcasm? I am laying it on pretty thick.

Here are some random pictures of the things that have happened...
We've had some quality cuddling since Mommy came home
My one and only pic of Girl's Camp, it was so busy...I just never got my camera back out. I took this with my cell phone on the day before the hike, when I was taking the hike to make sure no one would get lost. We only had two injuries, pretty good...right? One was a testimony of prayers for the girls, as they prayed that someone would come and take this injured girl back to camp...and, literally right then a missionary on a 4-wheeler came. They were all very touched and told me..."Kristine, we prayed and he came!". I wish all prayers were answered in such a timely fashion, I'm glad that one was.
Gracie had her field trip to The Planetarium at Gateway. The best was just riding the bus with her and having a little Gracie time.
Brody and Avery both had their Pre-School field trips, to the ZOO and the Children's Museum at Gateway. Both were very cool and fun for the munchkins.

Avery and Brody had their own little Graduation Ceremonies, Avery from Pre-School and Brody's (Thank goodness it's over and the teacher is still breathing) movin on to the next year ceremony.

This is their teacher, she does a fantastic job.
That is everything I missed updating on for May and June (so far). I hope all is well with you, my blogging friends!


Laura said...

I'm going to camp this year with my ward and I'm not sure if I'm excited or not. I am the assistant director so I don't really know any of the girls or anything so it is kinda weird. I love girls camp though so I think it'll be okay. I bet the girls love you. :) How cool their prayer was answered so fast, that is neat.

Steph said...

What a fun summer you're having so far! I'm glad Girls Camp went well; that answer to prayer is awesome. What a neat experience for the girls! Since preschool's out we can now play whenever we want to, right? :)

Amy said...

Wow, what a cool prayer experience. I agree, if only all were answered that quickly and clearly. Looks like you guys have been busy but having fun.

Heidi said...

Thanks for the updates! I lvoe all the pictures! You seem like you are a darling mom - maybe I can take a few lessons?!!

Anonymous said...

I miss my Watterson babies! No more growing until I come home. I mean it!