
That's MA and PA to you!

Rob and I have been on a huge adventure this last week. We went to serve as a MA and a PA on our Stake's Youth Trek. We were so excited to be called, because neither of us went as youth.
We got THE coolest group of kids. They never complained, they pushed/pulled for 30 hard, long miles, and they entertained us the whole way! I believe I can now recite the entire script of Remember the Titans, thanks to the two boys (Spencer and MaKay) pictured above with our family flag.
Rob told the kids, the last night, that we now had 8 more people we were going to worry about, look for, care about, and hope for. I think Heavenly Father must bless you to love those kids that are assigned to you, because they were all so different and we sincerely love them all the same.
This was the best experience I have ever had with the youth. Without trying to sound dramatic, I feel like it was life changing. I have learned more in four days, than many days prior... about the Pioneers, my Savior, my Heavenly Father's love for his children, and the strength of our youth. I have been so discouraged about the state of this world, and I didn't even realize how much until I started to feel hope. It occured to me in our church meetings yesterday, I feel more confident that our family can make it through these difficult times, because Rob and I have done this Trek and we did it together...holding hands the whole way. I know now, that it is going to be alright. Maybe I'm overly sensitive and been the only one feeling this way, but I don't think so. I think we are drawing closer the the end of this dispensation, the fullness of times, and that Satan has seriously stepped up his efforts since President Hinkley passed away. It feels like that to me, and it scares me. So, this Trek was hope for me, if the pioneers could struggle on with dead limbs in freezing cold I can continue to strive to be diligent in providing a "Heavenly Home" for my children and hopefully give them a love of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This is the "Needles", the spires on the SL Temple were patterned after this rock formation and President Brigham Young camped by this spot when he had Rocky Mountain Tick Fever...very cool to be right where they were.

We are the "West Side" pioneers!
This was our first family picture, you can tell we are all so clean!


The Bundy Family said...

So Fun! What an awesome experience for the two of you.

Steph said...

Wow Kris, what an awesome experience! I'm so glad you were able to go on trek, and especially with Rob. It sounds like it was all worth it. Your dresses look awesome - you are so talented! I love your and Rob's dedication to your callings; you inspire me.