
Obviously a sucker for personality tests of any kind!

Congratulations, you are a blue.
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Blues (Motive: Intimacy)
blues are motivated by Intimacy. They seek to genuinely connect with others, and need to be understood and appreciated. Everything they do is quality-based. They are loyal friends, employers, and employees. Whatever or whomever they commit to is their sole (and soul) focus. They love to serve and give of themselves freely in order to nurture others' lives.
blues have distinct preferences and have the most controlling personality. Their personal code of ethics is remarkably strong and they expect others to live honest, committed lives as well. They enjoy sharing meaningful moments in conversation as well as paying close attention to special life events (e.g. birthdays and anniversaries). blues are dependable, thoughtful, and analytical; but can also be self-righteous, worry-prone, and moody. They are "sainted pit-bulls" who never let go of something or someone once they are committed. When you deal with a BLUE, be sincere and make a genuine effort to understand and appreciate them.
Kristine, your personality profile indicates that you have significant portions of other colors in your overall makeup that help shape your unique personality style. http://www.colorcode.com/


Deer Hunt 2008 (Don't look if you're squeamish)

Robert and his brother, Justin hunted the Deseret Livestock area this year and harvested these nice bucks! They took these pictures in and outside of the barn, at home, after they had caped (skinned) them. Bloody, but pretty! Rob said that because of the harsh winter, last year, the deer population was down and antler growth was minimal... so, they were happy to get these deer. (All of that translated means, Kris is the best wife ever for posting my bloody animal pictures with an explanation of hunting...Thank you, Thank you.)

What did you do??

You know the movie Tommy Boy? Specifically the part when David Spade blames the car door coming off on Chris Farley? He says...What did you do??? That's how I felt when Rob, my sweet husband, walked out looking like this!!
(forgive the naked chest, he was just getting into the shower and came out to show me his coolness.)

It went like this...

Rob! Your eyes are closed!

Honey! What the? Try it again...

You are such a dork!!

Thank you dear!

12th Annual Lowe Pumpkin Carving Party

Sam won this year, totally stole it from Brody...whose rotting pumpkin had a brilliant funny face carved in by yours truly.

Boys are Interesting!

Bubba and his friend thought this was a fun way to watch a movie...Then when I noticed and took a picture, they decided to trade. Of course, Brody pretended to be dead. It's his thing!


Things that make me happy, today...

Honey Crisp apples and Kettle Corn, from the farmer's market yesterday. (The little old man, that sells these apples, is crazy!)
It's a cold, snuggle kind of morning.

It is so beautiful in the fall, I love the cold air and the changing leaves and I love my view of it all. I love living here.

My Own Special Ironman!

Brody is convinced that this helmet on his head makes him Ironman!!


There were never such devoted sisters!

My two sisters, one in person and one in spirit, on the phone! Deb, we miss you so much and love your pensive baby. She is so beautiful and you are doing such a good job! Motherhood rocks, but you rock it like no body's business! Incidentally, this is Bubba presently. He is so yummy.

The last couple days...

I have been so reflective the last couple of days. I think I had too much time, because my more than awesome sister, Nicalee, took my kids overnight and has let me get lost in reading blogs at her house for hours at a time. (Yes, I said Hours...pathetic? Possibly, but productive for my thoughts) I wonder what I should post on this blog, and finally I decided that it was for me. So, I will periodically wax severely sentimental about my kids or husband, and sisters. I'm positive I will also be mentioning my callings or feelings about being a mormon. These blogs fascinate me. It is amazing to be able to find people I grew up with and see them and their lives! I have had my share of unhealthy comparisons and have to occasionally not allow myself on the computer! I so easily get sucked into this! Today I read Nie Nie's blog, I first heard about her on the Today show in Sept. I noticed that her siblings that were being interviewed were so obviously LDS and was curious to get on this blog, so I did. It was really interesting, and inspiring in a way. The point of all of this is that I have put a button for her blog on my blog. I have also resolved to allow more love of my life into my life! I am commiting to myself to see less of the negative and strive to appreciate all of the little things! I hope that I can embrace my life more and enjoy it the way I should, for how very blessed I am!


Not Today, but Another Day

An awesome seminary teacher I had in high school said that we should make every day our best day so far. I have a wicked cold right now and just can't seem to do that today, but I will reflect on some really good days I have had in the past.
The day Rob came home from his mission was an awesome day for reasons I have heretofore mentioned below. http://www.watterson5.blogspot.com/2008/07/flashback-friday.html
My friend Amy came with me for support and that was a great part of it, too. My whole family and Amy, I had some serious back up for a guy that didn't know if he liked me or not and had no idea I would be there!

Steph, do you see Todd in the back of that hug? He's thinking, I'm sure something bad about me...that's common with him, eh? ha ha

The day he came back from fishing with his brothers was pretty good, too! Any day when we were dating was fun, we did so many fun things together. It was fun to be that twitterpated!

My 19th birthday in 1996 at Utah State University, rooming with Robyn M. I recieved a big arrangement of flowers and some beautiful earrings. It was so fun to be away for school, so really I could say pretty much anyday at USU was great! That night, Robyn and I decided to rearrange our room...we did it about five more times during the year, all different! We had fun.

I know I have had lots of fun days and I will have many more Best Days so far, today isn't one of them...maybe tomorrow!?!

Tagged by Sarah Quincy

Eight is a lot, I might not have eight answers for some of these...

8 Favorite TV shows...
1. Lost
2. Channel 5 News
3. Nightline
4. Eli Stone
5. Life
6. Dancing with the Stars (Only the dancing, I change the channel during the judging...pretentious brits)
7. BYU devotionals on 11
8. Mr. Bean

8 Favorite Resturants
1. SaraBeth's
2. PF Changs
3. Cafe Rio
4. Costa Vida
5. Coldstone (I don't care if that counts, it's delicious)
6. Baja Cantina
7. Su Casa
8. A pizza place in Brooklyn that Deb knows the name of.

8 Things that happened yesterday
1. Gracie went to school
2. Rob went to work, and then to more work
3. I cleaned the upstairs
4. I folded some laundry
5. My awesome Mom took Nicalee, my kids and I to lunch and shopping
6. I made spaghetti, green beans and applesauce for dinner
7. I bathed my kids and read two chapters of little house on the prairie
8. Rob and I watched Eli Stone and went to bed!

8 Things I look forward to
1. Paying off our house, car, etc...
2. Not being sick anymore!
3. Making out with Rob
4. Rob finishing our backsplash in the kitchen
5. Dinner with cousins this weekend
6. Fun times ahead, weddings, siblings having babies, good stuff like that
7. Christmas, Thanksgiving, all the good holiday fun coming
8. Getting old and no one being able to tell me what to do!

8 Things I love about fall
1. Snow anticipation!
2. The colors
3. Hot chocolate and a warm fire, with a good book to make it perfect
4. A little cold in the air
5. Wearing more clothing
6. Halloween
7. Apples
8. Drives up and down Parleys

8 On my wish list
1. My kids to have rock solid testimonies of the Gospel
2. A lot of money in savings and my food storage all done
3. A Maid
4. A Cook
5. An elliptical machine and some weights
6. That my kids will love to read and always want to learn
7. ten pounds gone
8. That my kids will have a spouse that they really enjoy living with

8 People I tag... ( I don't care if you do it! )
1. Stephanie
2. Nicalee
3. Debra
4. Jill C.
5. Amy
6. Jill S.
7. Jeremy Smith :)
8. Laura


15 Days of Heaven, for him...Not so much for me!

Rob has been fishing in Alaska for the
last 15 days and since my life is excessively boring presently, I am posting about his trip. This picture of his brother, Justin, was taken just before he threw up over the side of this boat...

Here they are with their Halibut catch, Rob said that they are about as much fun to reel in as a piece of plywood. Doesn't sound to fun to me! The picture is of (left to right) Rob, his brother Justin, and Justin's friend Chris Pasker.
Rob had a lot of fun hanging out and fishing with his brother, they are good buddies. I'm sure it was not as fun as one of my fabulous girl trips with my hilarious sisters, but it was probably tolerable! Of course he was dying without me, just ask me! Well, one more year down...and hunting season is next. Needless to say, I am getting a lot of scrapbooking and reading done!