
Better late than never :)

 This is the Las Vegas Tough Mudder that we did in April, on the 13th.  It was so fun and difficult, it was very hilly.  Running hills is pretty miserable, so I think I will stick to the Utah and Arizona Tough Mudder from here on out!  Rob made sure to coat his lovely beard in mud :)
We ran it with my cousins, Tyler Kidd and his fiance Kati Shields, Ryan Kidd and his wife Nicole, the Koyle family and some of the Richins family (from here), and Rob's brothers Jacob, Marc and his wife Cassie, and Justin.  It was a huge group, which made it even more fun.
 Jacob, Rob and I

 The hills really were brutal!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Look at your muscles, you climbing that thing! Ow ow! Rob on the other hand, looks like he should be on Duck Dynasty. He sure married up when he found you :) Love you guys!