
Happy 14th Anniversary to Us, Elvis Style!

 So just for giggles we decided to do a "vow renewal" in an Elvis ceremony, in Vegas.  It was silly and fun.  It mostly made me thankful for the covenants we made in our real sealing ceremony in the temple.  I am so thankful that I have this man for longer than this short lifetime.  I know I will be with him always and nothing can divide us, so much peace accompanies that thought for me.  We also went to the Las Vegas temple and did some family work.  Rob's recommend had expired the month before and he didn't know, so he waited in the lobby and parking lot for me...what a friend he is to me.  He knew how much I had looked forward to this, so he waited.  I appreciated it so much.  
 After the temple, we met everyone (and the Koyles/Richins clan) at Tommy Bahama's for dinner.
The next day we ran the Tough Mudder...that night, after the TM we got all dolled up and went to dinner at Morel's and took a taxi to the chapel!
 Rob and I are both really into our ancestry so we wore our colors, although Rob's tartan is wrong, because his is so hard to get!  His is Manx and mine is McClaren.

 We stayed in the Trump Tower, which was so nice.  I had to take pictures :)

 They upgraded us to a room with a strip view just to be nice, for our anniversary...so Rob celebrated by posing nude for me!
 Our marriage is not perfect and we have our share of conflict and frustration, but there is no doubt that I wouldn't want to be occasionally unhappy with anyone else!  I feel like I truly married my very best friend that has proven many times in the last 19 years of association (14 of marriage) that he has an unusual tolerance for my level of crazy.  He is not the perfect man, but he is perfect for me.  I feel so blessed to have been given a man that is so loving and accepting.  He has been my personal Valium for many years and will continue to be so!  At night, in bed, when we talk I am consistently struck with the magnitude of blessings in my life and mostly how they all center around him.  He makes my life happy and he makes me feel more loved than any other person I've ever known.  I love you babe!!  I hope we have many, many more anniversary's to do crazy stuff together!


NandM said...

Is Rob gonna kill you for that picture? You are hysterical! I gotta say not gonna let Nate's beard get as long as Robs! Glad I checked up on ya and saw the new posts! Love it!

Steph said...

Happy Anniversary!! So glad you've made it this far :)