
Yet Another Hobby!!

 So, we have now picked up beekeeping as our latest hobby...
 Little Miss Gracie took pictures for me, because Chad (Rob's brother that lives on the other side of Rob's parents, who live next door) had on my bee suit.  She is decked out in the kid's veil and gloves...cute, cute.
 Rob calls the bees his ladies...it is actually very cool and interesting.
 P.S. Chad you look like a girl with your socks over your pants and my small veil on! 
 Then we drove down to Nicalee's to watch a little football (yawn) and eat delicious Chick-Fil-A chicken and chocolate shakes!
 The Watterson's Car is NEVER dirty, I'm not even sure why we bother to clean it when the dirt doesn't even stick, because it senses our perfectness.
 Gracie, put my camera DOWN! That's my you are being naughty, mom, face
 We love driving to Salt Lake in the fall, the canyon is soo beautiful!
The kids get a little bored, but always find someway to entertain themselves...SILLY!
 At least we entertain Daddy :)
We just love these family days...it is heaven when Rob is home from Pocatello.


NandM said...

Yea!!! New posts!! Glad to see that you are all still a'hive' and kickin'. (I know, I am just THAT funny!) The elk heart was really big. GROSS!

Steph said...

Where do I even start? Beekeeping?! Seriously? Have you lost your minds? Has the air up there finally gotten to all of you people? Most people avoid bees.... And I had to smile when I read about your chocolate shake... OF COURSE you had to get a chocolate shake!! Ah, how I love you, my so predictable friend!!

Kellie said...

BEES??? Are you serious! It sounds kind of fun. I'm happy for you when Rob's home too!!! You are a total babe when showing your mad face... ha ha, and yes Brody is funny!