
Our Pagan Fun

 Brody and his Kindergarten Teacher, he loves her.
 Avery and her teacher, she is awesome.
 Gracie, one of her best buddies, and her teacher...she is also very cool!
 Gracie and her good friend, we love her.
 Avery and her pal, who I can't ever get to play because her Mom doesn't speak English and Rob is never home to call her and talk to her for me!! 
 Brody making the rounds (with a kid he has hung out with a couple of times)...the kids go through all the classrooms first.
 I helped with Avery's class so I was obligated to dress up :)
 After the kids go through each class...they walk across this field.
 And down this street...to the High School Stadium.
Where they walk around the track, twice...while the school librarian announces all the classes and plays funny Halloween music.  The whole community comes to watch.  It is one of the things I love about where we live.  It was such fun, we loved it!!


Emily W said...

I love Halloween. I can't wait until Ellie is old enough to enjoy it with me. Bahumbug Jacob doesn't get into any holiday, except Thanksgiving but that's only because of FOOTBALL (imagine me saying that with a snotty, bratty voice).

NandM said...

You are such a good mommy. I love your costume. What an INCREDIBLE woman.

Kellie said...

WOW you are impressive!!! Died hair and all!!! You look super cute!

stephschmidt said...

I love your pagan fun :) You are so awesome to dress up and have fun with your kids at school! I still have much to learn from you :)