
Dear Daddy,

The things I found in Brody's pocket...
Dear Daddy,
We missed you today, like every day...
We didn't do anything exciting, unless you count Mommy crying during a movie about two people in love...she is so lame.
I went to teach our friends of another faith the gospel, I even made myself my own missionary tag.  When Mom called them to have me come home for dinner, they called me "impassioned". 

I told them a story from the New Testament and invited them to church...and to possibly get baptised!

Mom has been totally occupied with laundry, BORING! 

 Mom says to tell you that she is missing this.  She says that she misses your face, ewww.  You guys are so gross.  I can't believe I have to hear this stuff.  Anyway, we love you.

(the only one that DOESN'T embarrass this family)
P.S. Dad, you kind of look like you are going to eat Mom in that picture, could you take it down a notch in the future.  You are super embarrassing and my friends might see this.  Thanks.


Robster said...

I hate pocatello, I hate pocatello,I hate pocatello! I always feel better when I say it three times in a row with an explanation point at the end. Tell Mommy that i miss her too, but after the hair cut I unfortunatly paid for I may need to wait a couple of weeks before I come home.Love you guys mucho.

The Bundy Family said...

That is one hilarious post! Awesome.

NandM said...

Kristine, I will pay for you to go to Pocatello. I feel so sad that you and Rob aren't able to see each other more. Call me if you need to talk about boys, I don't think they are gross. :)

Sarah said...

Such a cute post! So I must've missed a few posts...where's Rob??

Steph said...

I love your days. I want to spend a day with you and your cute family at your beautiful house. When can I come?