
Brody's Big First!

My baby, my comfort, my buddy, and my Brody went to Kindergarten for the first time, today. 
He was super stoked to go with the girls on the big kid bus! 
So excited that I had to make him come back to give me a kiss and a hug.  I asked him to let me drive him to school and walk him to class and he said -Please, NO mom!  Gracie can take me.
So, I followed the bus to school anyway...with maybe a couple of tears.
When he walked off the bus and saw me, he exclaimed in supreme frustration -Why are you ALWAYS here?
I made him smile for this picture anyway, but the pose...that is all him, yowser!
I cried a little, showered and then went to breakfast with a couple of friends!  I will survive :)  I love my boy, he is delicious. 
He came home a really tired chico, this week should be a bit of a transition...but, he is so happy!  I'm glad he likes school...he has A LOT more of it!

First Day for the Girls

Here we are in our favorite outfits, ready to go to 1st and 3rd Grade!!
Here we are scaring our mother with our strange-ness!
This is when our brother woke up and ran out to say good bye to us...obviously mom needs to buy him jammies that are not made for a flood!
Mom hopes that we will always be friends, or at least civil to one another!

Our Good Time to Equal Daddy's Good Time :)

August 7-15th Rob went to Alaska fishing, soooooo what did I do?  I rented the smallest house, I have ever seen, on Huntington Beach and took my babies for some fun in the sun!  (My friend Stephanie was kind enough to accompany me:)
The house, or closet as we affectionately called it, came with a boogie board and other beach stuff.  Gracie did not want to do anything without that boogie board!  She LOVED it like a child.
We got there the day after a huge surfing contest had finished, so there were a lot of surfers still there and Gracie would paddle out to almost where they were and sit on her boogie board just like them on their surfboards.  It was quite a picture, I wish I would have captured it, a sea of black wet suits and one little orange and pink swimsuit.  It is a really good memory and representational of her fierce determination and independent spirit!
We should have written...We are having WAY more fun than you, DAD!! 
The pier behind us had an extremely cool restaurant at the end of it.  It is called Ruby's Diner and the food is to die for!!  The best part about this trip was the food, coconut and dark chocolate gelato, Trader Joe's, and Ruby's Diner!
The weather was pretty nice, too :)
This is the whole clan at the aforementioned delicious diner!
We had so much fun!  I'm so glad we went and enjoyed ourselves!



The kids came up with an interesting way of entertaining themselves this morning.  They were rolling bouncy balls down this tape measure, it was actually pretty cool.  They crack me up.  Every once in a while I look at them and really like them :)
Look at that poser, Avis!  Of course the idea for this entertainment came from our own Captain Motion, as she has been called before, Gracie :)


Rob's "family" bikeride...

What a Saturday we had!  Rob went mountain biking in the morning, then we hit the garage sales in PC, and then we went as a "family" to bike the rail trail from Home Depot to Wanship.  It was Rob's idea and captain social pants invited his parents, two brothers and their families, and his cousin with kids.  We had a total entourage of 19 people on bikes!  We were a sight to behold!  It was a lovely day and a really nice ride.  A lot of it is downhill, so Brody and Avery made it on their little bikes and were SO proud of themselves.  I love it when Rob comes up with awesome things to do!
It was so nice to touch, see, and talk to my man.  Time with him is so glorious and wonderful! (Except when we get annoyed with eachother, then it's just okay)
Brody and his 2nd Cousin, they are soooo funny together.  They call eachother Dude!
Do you see that red face?  It was a hot day filled with a lot of good exercise!
Avery could NOT keep her helmet on straight, she complained when it was too tight...sheesh, kids!
Gracie enjoying a delicious Pink Lady apple!
Rob's cousin, Jeremy with his cuties