
What have I done?

I forgot it was summer and didn't sunblock this little miss when she swam ALL DAY long at my Mom and Dad's, on Saturday. What was I thinking? The poor girl had huge blisters and these are the sores after the blisters drained...doesn't that look painful?

This cute little bum crack was brought to you by my cell phone camera and my inability to aim it properly!


Anonymous said...

Poor precious girl!

Steph said...

Ouch - that looks really painful! I'm so sorry! Don't you hate times like that? I hope it's getting better!

the holmans said...

Oh my, mother of the year... that really looks like my whole childhood. I burned and blistered and peeled for my first 20 years of life!!!!

Kellie said...

Ouch! Poor girl. Love the plummer, so funny.