
Watterson Family Reunion

We went to the fabulous Watterson Family Reunion this weekend.  We mostly just climbed, ate, and chatted up the relatives :)  We had a lot of fun.  I discovered that if I wear my ipod when I climb I enjoy it a LOT more.  (It really scares me, but don't tell Rob) It was actually a blast when I had a little Muse going in my ear :)  It was great, as far as family reunions go!
P.S. My current count of mosquito bites is 26...that is WITH bug spray on most of the time!


NandM said...

SOOOOO much fun. I wish I looked as good as you in my family reunion photos, but alas cow poo and rocks do not a beauty make.

stephschmidt said...

Welcome home! I'm glad you guys had such a great time! Next time I go rock climbing, I'm taking an ipod - that is a fantastic idea!! And what kind of bug spray did you use?? Are you SURE it was bug spray?!

the holmans said...

love the new look of your blog, i was feeling a need for a change myself... love the family photo looks great...

Nicalee said...

What a beautiful family, I love the pics, and I really love you guys.

The Bundy Family said...

I do believe that you get prettier and prettier with age.