
Jcksn Hl

We love this beautiful Earth! We went to Granite Falls, walked across biting cold water to sit in a hot spring and walk back through that frigid water. The water prompted Gracie to say to me "Mom, now I know how the pioneers felt." as we walked...and walked and walked. I, of course, promptly told her that their toes and feet were dying and turning black they were so cold. She didn't say anything else :). I think she is extremely tough to do it without one other word of complaint or crying. I was sobbing inside, but I held it in. I'm sure I would have heard the traditional "suck it up" from my extremely sympathetic spouse. Jackson Hole was fun, and rainy, but short lived. Mostly, we just vegged and got as little sleep as humanly possible. Life is good, I love nature, I love my kids, my husband is ok, and my laundry is almost done.


Steph said...

Oh how fun! Way to relive the pioneers hardships with your kids :) That picture of Rob and Brody melts my heart. We're going out next weekend, right? :)

Kristine Watterson said...

You know it, beyotch!!!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like so much fun, Kris. We need to all get on board with doing a river trip after the cruise. I think it would be so much fun.

Kapri said...

How fun! My parents went on a trek 2 weeks ago as Ma & Pa and they said it was life changing as well. So your not being dramatic! Sounds like a great experience! Next time you're in Jackson hole call me and I"ll drive up to hang out!

Amy said...

I love your family picture...Rob's tats and all. Such a beautiful background. The outdoors rocks (no punt intended).

the holmans said...

I love Jackson, the pictures are great. That is what vacationing with children is...lots of work no rest and tons of laundry at the end...