
Rob's Many Hobbies

My husband is the King of all Hobbies. He does hunting, fly-fishing, mountain biking, hiking, camping, motorcycle riding, paint balling, and now rock climbing/repelling. I'm sure I forgot ten or twenty other hobbies he pursues. He put the Young Men that he serves at church into Rock Creation classes and when they completed them...he, of course, purchased harnesses and all equipment needed for our entire family! (While I was away at Girl's Camp, mind you) So, you can guess what we have been doing for Family Home Evening every Monday since and sometimes on Saturdays :). The kids love it and two have made it to the top of the Kamas Rec Center wall. (Gracie many times, but then that is so her)
At this point, Brody realized how high he was (35-40 feet up) and had a come-apart! It was hilarious and a little heartbreaking, but he made it down with Daddy's strong hold. In Brody's words "Mommy, you don't have enough muscles, let me down." Even though I have shown them that I can belay Rob no problem (he even fell off the wall, close to the top, once and I held him just fine.). They still lack confidence in my "muscles". Maybe that signals a deep seeded lack of trust in me, eh? I should call Tyler and ask.

This is the boy climbing
Avery prefered to climb without her harness, just a little and then jump off. Is for fun.
Me, hooking up Avery.
I'm done, Mom! I wanna come down!
Goob, after reaching the top the first time, yeah!
There are bells at the top of each climb, this is Gracie ringing one of them. She is determined to ring the cowbell, which is at the top of a rock only, no handholds portion.


Laura said...

Man I hate rock climbing, I am so not a fan of heights. Just looking at these pictures make me nervous!!! Kids are awesome climbers though, so fun for them!

Steph said...

I think it is awesome that Rob wants to share his new hobby with his family. And what a good sport you are to do it with him. Looks like the whole family has a new hobby :)

the holmans said...

Our husbands were twins seperated at birth...we really need to go out on a date!!! your new niece is beutiful, love the rock climbing wall pics

Amy said...

Just another hobby to add to the others. Sounds like Rob alright (sounds like Brent). Brent started mountain climbing on his mission in France of all places. Luckily it didn't follow him back to the states. I think repelling down cliffs to look for peregrine falcons is about all I can take. Looks like a fun thing to do as a family, though.

Kapri said...

Love the pictures Kristine! How fun! I love rock climbing.