
Another Reason Avery is Amazingly Astounding

A very small while after Marc (Rob's little brother) and Cassie (his now wife) were married, Avery told them (very loudly, at church, telling many others in the Wanship ward) that they were pregnant. They laughed her off, because they had JUST gotten married and Cassie is type 1 diabetic. Then, a couple of weeks later, (when they, too, discovered they were pregnant) they announced it to the family over Sunday dinner. Avery commented, I know - they are having a girl. The day they had their ultrasound they called me and exclaimed, "It's a girl!". I turned to Avery and told her the good news. She said, I know Mom, they are going to name her Rebecca. I told Marc and he laughed. They were planning to name her Bella.
Some time later they went back to the Salt Lake Temple to do a session. (It's where they both went through for themselves, him before his mission, her when they were married) They told us that they were sitting in that beautiful temple and turned to eachother at the same time with the same thought...they both liked the name Rebecca. They felt, and we did too when they related this experience to us, that Avery had been waiting for her friend to come. I can't really express what that means to me, as her mother. She is a special and obviously intuitive girl, that could use a kindred soul. (No pressure!)
Just typing this is making me cry, I love that girl. Can it ever be explained how we love our children? Anyway, back to it.
So, Marc and Cassie's little lady was born nameless. They couldn't decide. We didn't want them to feel obligated. We said nothing.
They named her Rebecca Jean and she is beautiful. Of course, Cassie is beautiful. That is not sap, she is. I thought maybe a chorus of Angels would start to sing when Avery held Rebecca, but nothing so amazing happened. She held her and then passed her on, like any other baby. I hope that in Rebecca, Avery finds her special friend. I think that we all have at least one, in our lives, that makes us feel so comfortable and loved. I know I do, and I cherish those friends.
P.S. Jacob and Emily have sworn, up one side and down the other, from the get go that they were having a boy. Name picked out and everything. Avery said they were having a girl. Guess what it is? She must have some kind of connection to the baby girls in this family! (She did not offer a name...)


Steph said...

Wow, that still gives me chills! That's incredible! I loved this: "Can it ever be explained how we love our children?" SO true! Although I see how much you love your babies every time we're together. (which is not nearly often enough....)

The Bundy Family said...

Oh my goodness. That is so amazing. I too was bawling as I read this post. Thanks for sharing. Our children are astonishing and so special. Hold on tight to that little girl of yours. You and rob must be special too, for Heavenly Father to trust you with his jewels. Take care! Oh and ouch for the last post. Ouch ouch ouch. I hope it is healing fast and your are feeling better.

The Lloyd's said...

that is amazing! avery definitely has a connection with that new little baby. I can't believe Cassie has already had her baby! It's been forever since we've seen you. I hope your leg healed well! What a bloody mess!

Heidi said...

What a sweet story! Thanks for sharing! Avery sounds like a darling little girl!

the holmans said...

That is the most amazing story... I love that she is so intune... You are an amazing mother, how else would she be?

Sarah said...

I started crying just reading this! What a beautfiul story. Avery is such a doll!