
From one to the next...

We are ill with a little Streptococcal Bacteria and medicating with the wonder of modern medicine! Gracie is so easy to have sick, she doesn't even complain very much and she retains her sense of humor...as illustrated by the M & M's over the eyes picture!

We have also added some new things in our house. Our new family picture, taken the day after Christmas.

Our wall of familial glory :)

Rob also added another dead animal to our wall, yeah! It's the one without skin. It's called a European Mount, seriously. It is really pretty, but a little creepy.

On an even more morbid note, I did find this in Avery's closet...should I be worried? Maybe just if I find a dead cat under the bed...


Laura said...

Stupid Strep. Its been going around down here too. We all just got over some other crappy sickness hope we don't get that too. Cute family picture! You guys are all so beautiful. No fair.

Meredith & Company said...

Love the wall of familial glory. And, it seems that things have a way of hanging themselves all over your house. Hmmm...

Steph said...

I love your new family picture; you are gorgeous and you have such a beautiful family. So sorry that Gracie's sick; she's such a good little girl! I hope all of you don't get it! Isn't that usually how these things go?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I just laughed out loud at that horrific image in Avery's closet. That girl is a true original. And sweet Gracie in her little pink bed. How I miss those babies! And finally, I LOVE THAT FAMILIAL WALL. It looks great, Kris. What a beautiful family.

the holmans said...

I am so worried Brett will see this blog and get some crazy idea that we should have a dead animal wall(hee,hee) Love the new family pictureand love your play list... I listen to it at work...

Amy said...

Your family photo is so stinking cute. I wish we got to see you in person more. Brent just had his antelope done European style too and it does look nice but I am just grateful his wall of dead animals is out in his hunting garage.

Nicalee said...

I totally see the sense in hanging an annoying doll. And...I love your family and your adorable picture.