
Draper Temple...Finally!

The kids and I went to the Draper Temple open house, it was so fun! This is us on the bus that takes you up to the temple...the picture I took with my camera was of my eye...so close up. So this is a picture from my cell phone :).

I went with my good friend Amber and her kids. It was nice to go in the middle of the day, it was soooo much easier!

Taking my kids thru the temple was one of the most special experiences I have had with them, as a group. The girls thought the bride's room was so beautiful and I loved the seperate rooms for the endowment session. The artwork was so amazing it made your eyes hurt. I leaned down and asked Gracie how she felt, as we walked thru the Celestial Room, and she quietly told me that she felt like she wanted to live there. It was so touching to know that even an open temple is so special that a seven year old can distinctly feel the peace that the Holy Ghost brings. I love the temple! It is truly Heaven on Earth.


Steph said...

What an awesome experience! I'm so glad you guys were able to go! I love what Gracie said about the Celestial Room; it choked me up when you told me about it! That last picture is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love those pictures, Kris! I'm glad it was such a great experience for you and your babies.

The Bundy Family said...

What an awesome experience to get to go with your kids. I am so glad that your kids got to feel and experience just how special the Temple really is. What an good mom you are for encouraging wonderful moments such as these!

Laura said...

That is so awesome! What a fantastic thing for children to experience. I wish Gwen were older to appreciate it more when we go this week. :)

the holmans said...

You made me cry... Tell Gracie I felt the same way, Nicalee and I went together and were amazed that our roudy boys were so reverent in the Temple!!! It is one of the coolest things I have experienced with mt kids too.