
Down and Out...

So, I am sorry, but I have been super sick and my computer has a virus! I am having a devil of a time fixing it and am typing this on my mother in laws computer....so, I will post as soon as I can. So much good stuff has happened, I took my kids to the Draper Temple open house and it was really special...and, I went out to see my buddy Steph...good stuff like that, so I will in fact have lots of good stuff to blog about soon :). Don't give up on me baby!


Nicalee said...

Oh, that is IT! I am giving up on you right away! If I don't get to see pics of your trip to the Draper temple with your kids really soon...I am going to be very PUT OUT! jk sista

The Lloyd's said...

get feeling better soon! it's been way to long since we've all hung out...this needs fixed.

Steph said...

Of all the freakin excuses! Broken computer? Sick? Whatever. Get back on here - we're all missin ya! Dallin and I had SUCH a great time on Friday; I'm so glad you guys came! He keeps talking about how Brody's house is just too far away....