
Three Broken Ribs

This is my, no longer functioning, car. Oh how I loved thee, dear Suburu. Thank you for protecting my daughter and bestowing upon me three broken ribs. I probably won't post much for a couple weeks...this may be the percocet talking, but it's not that bad.
PS. I fishtailed in the slush on the connection between I-80 and I-15 going south, tried to correct, tried again, pummeled across the other lane into the concrete barrier and got T-Boned by a Ford F550. Avery and Brody were with me, and don't have a scratch on them. Not pleasant, but at least the kids are safe and healthy. It was honestly divine intervention that Avery is not seriously injured...that girl was watched over and I am thankful for it.


Steph said...

Oh Kris, I am so sorry! I'm SO glad you and the kids are ok - that really is a miracle; could have been so much worse! I hope you're taking it easy. Please let me know if you need anything. Sure do love ya!

Jill C said...

I wondered what happened to you since you haven't posted anything for a while. I am so glad that you are all okay. It is a miracle that your kids are great. That is so scary. Get feeling better soon.

Amy said...

Holy Crap! That looks horrible. I hope Rob is taking good care of you. Broken ribbies are so painful...like you don't know that. So glad your kids are okay. Take care.

amanda said...

Oh my gosh! That is awful. What is up with the weather out there. I must say I am glad I've missed all the snow. I am glad you and the kids are ok. Poor car:(

Chris said...

OUCH! I am so glad to hear that you and the kids are ok. Seriously Subura's are great. I work for Allstate and deal with auto accidents everyday! It's amazing to see people walk away from cars that look completely destroyed. If you have any insurance questions feel free to get ahold of me.

Nicalee said...

Kris! What would we have done without Avery and all of the Rice Krispie Miracles? Looks like it's a Subaru Miracle mom! I'm so happy your little family is intact...your ribs, not so much...but they'll heal girl!

BS and the Kids said...

I am so glad you guys were all safe. Your car is so messed up. Scary!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful we got to keep sweet Avery. And sweet Kristine - minus perfect ribs. I demand that you never drive in the snow again.

Meredith & Company said...

How scary! Get better soon! I'm glad the kiddos were unscathed.

Laura said...

Man I hate the stupid snow. If it would just stay in the mountains and off the roads I'd be okay with it. I am so glad you are your kiddos are okay. Car accidents scare the h@#! out of me . Get better!

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

I'm so glad you all are okay. I'm sure that was so scary! Good job subaru.

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

p.s. I love when percocet talks!

Ashley said...

Oh my word, Kristine! Amber just emailed me and told me what happened, I'm so sorry. Broken ribs are so frustrating because there's not much you can do. What a nightmare but I am so glad your kids are ok.

The Bundy Family said...

Oh my goodness I am so glad to hear you are okay. That is one thing I do not miss about the snow. I always hated driving in the snow, so scary. Thank goodness for angels that watch over us and our children. Good luck with the broken ribs and taking care of the kiddos.

Heidi said...

Ouch - to you and to your dear old Subaru! I'm glad we can now be bloggin' friends - I love that dear sis of yours!