
O' Christmas Tree Divine!

I am a real tree kinda gal. My husband, not so much! See who wears the pants? Me! Ha Ha HA, my best sinister laugh!! (Obviously untrue, you know, Rob has lots of pants and wears them all the time...I just like to pretend, and he humors me...Right before he cracks the proverbial whip!) We had fun decorating our tree, as always! Some of my favorite ornaments are as follows...

Mine from who knows when, but I was definitely little!

Our first, we are married, ornament!

Gracie's from Kindergarten, last year!

Avery's from PreSchool...

The finished, glorious, product!

With the masterminds of disaster and mayhem...

My favorite thing about Christmas, the reason for it!

I love Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post. Your tree, your beautiful babies...love it.

Steph said...

Amen to Christmas - I love it! I love your beautiful tree - can I pretty please come see it?!

Meredith & Company said...

Pretty tree! And cute kids! I hope you had an awesome Christmas!