
Lifelong Learning

I've learned quite a lot in the last few days...For one, my cat is a princess who will not be told where to sleep, thank you very much.

And Gracie frightens me with her crazy faces...

Glenn Beck is no Actor...but, we love him for what he is. P.S. His life has not been pleasant, at all!

It does not matter how uncomfortable Avery is, she will fall asleep! (This is in my car, sorry I didn't flip this pic!)

Brody, apparently, takes after Avery. (Also in the car, at the same time!)

For a three year old, Brody almost takes good pictures!

Nothing teaches me more than my children!


Pearson Family said...

So I am wondering what the chainsaw is for. you are just one crazy girl aren't you.

Anonymous said...

Little sleepy sweetsers. That's a cute pic of you and Rob, too.

Steph said...

Cute pictures! I love that your kids can sleep anywhere! Can they have a talk with Dallin? :)