
Chainsaw Story (For those who requested it)

So, every year Robert's Mom's Family (The illustrious Brundages) go high, so very high, into the uintas to get wood for the winter. They all heat their homes, exclusively with wood burning stoves...hence the wood burning stove in my home! Anyway, the job of the men is to fell the tree (darn tootin' I said fell the tree, I know my terminology!) and then cut off all of the limbs with their fabulous Chainsaws! Then the women come in and pull away the limbs and branches, stack them, and make way for the men to saw the tree into logs. Then the women load the logs, HUGE logs onto the trailers...with the more forward thinking men, like my husband, helping. There is no way to put it delicately, so I will tell you the only way I thought it...The Women's Job Sucks!!! I felt, almost immediately, a desire for the man's job! (I know what you are thinking Deb and Nic, but this is the only other way that I am like a man...I swear!) So, my husband, being the humble stud that he is let me use his chainsaw for a tree...he wouldn't let me FELL the tree, but he let me do everything else. It rocked, hardcore, and I loved it. It is strangely empowering to wield a chainsaw! It also helped that it totally turned Rob on to see me dominate that tree! That is it, the whole reason I wanted a chainsaw, because I am no regular do what I'm told women...I'm a Badass!!!! Next year, around Labor Day, think of me and the awesome time I'll be having in the high uintas!


Jill C said...

Kris, you crack me up. You are such an adventurous gal. I love it. Thanks for all the cute comments on my blog, you are too sweet. I really want to get together after the holidays. Jill
Hey, can you add Stephanie to your blog list. waazy@hotmail.com

the holmans said...

Brett is totaly going to leave me for you I swer, you are his dream woman!!! I love the story, you and your husband have some kinky foreplay...Nicalee and I were just discusing the fact that you could kick some serious butt if you had to...(ask nic)

Anonymous said...

I want a chainsaw!

Jill C said...

Ryan wants to know if he at least got you a pink one?!?

Nicalee said...

Kris, you are truly the badass gal of Wanship. Do they realize it yet?

Steph said...

You are so funny! I love how excited you get about the chainsaw story. But what a story it is! You go, woman!

amanda said...

You are so funny. I would give anything to see you "wield" a chain saw (not sure what that means:)
Some girls use lingerie, you use chain saws. It works:)

Chris said...

That is awesome! I have used a chain saw many times and agree that it is very empowering! Just watch out for your thumbs, my dad cut his half way off, luckily the e/r at Cottonwood is close and they reattached it!

Doug, Kalee, Jonah, Nora, and Gavin said...

Wow...who knew?!! I know who to call if I ever need a crash course in using a chainsaw...or even how to fell a tree.