
Birthday Girl!

These were my fabulous birthday gifts from my husband! I had the best day ever, it was so great! Rob took the day off (I know, try not to hyperventilate, I did!) and took me out for breakfast, and then shopping for my fabulous chainsaw and victoria's secret pear paraphenalia! I did, in fact, ask for the chainsaw. I have a good reason to have it, but am too lazy to tell the story. Take my word for it, it is going to be sweet! After that my Mom bought me a couple of sweaters and some jeans...it all equates with HEAVEN!! Then my Mom and Dad took us out to lunch at Market Street Grill, best creme brulee of all time. I love eating out like nobody's business! Anyway, it was a great day!


Nicalee said...

And you deserve every minute of it! What a fun birthday, I'm so glad you had fun!

Chris said...

Happy B-Day...a chain saw?!? I'm not even going to ask.

Steph said...

Happy Happy Birthday to my beautiful, caring, funny, wonderful friend! How I wish I had spent your birthday with you! But I'm glad you had such a great day. I'm excited for your chainsaw; I know you'll enjoy it :) Sure do love ya!

Laura said...

Hope you had a happy day!!!!

Anonymous said...

You must feel so powerful. Please don't chainsaw me.

amanda said...

You need to tell the reason for the chain saw. You have peaked my curiosity. Sounds like you had a great b-day. I love going out to eat too.