

So, I loved the movie Juno and last night at the Brundage Christmas party I did my best imitation of the stinkeye! Did I nail it? (Truthfully, I think it looks like a lame wink...but, I tried my best! An Actress I'm not!)


Meredith & Company said...

Kristine! I can't believe it! I don't even know how I stumbled across your blog, but too much fun! Look at your beautiful little kiddos...loving it! And look at you--still one hot mama...although now it's literal!

So, I'm glad I found you just mere hours before you go private. My blog is also private, so if you want to add me at msagermcnett (at) yahoo (dot) com, I'd love to keep reading. I'll copy down your email and add you as well. Good times!

Meredith (Sager) McNett

Meredith & Company said...

Oh, and the stink eye looks fabulous!

Chris said...

Very impressive, lookin' good!

Steph said...

Well I have never seen Juno, but I personally really like that look on you. Very hot.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is a perfect stink eye. Very, very nice.