
Hello, my friend, Hello

My husband lovingly informed me that I have been "slacking" on our blog! I had to laugh! (This from a man who used to think that blogs were lame!) I'm not sure why I haven't made the time, but here is an update on our family's activities...

We have been chopping a lot of wood for the winter...(We try to heat our house with a wood burning stove, most of the time...except when Robster Lobster breaks the glass and we have to wait for two weeks for the new glass to come in and waste our natural resources by using our radiant heating...requires gas.) Really, we are not green freaks, but we do drive a suburu, so I feel the need to keep up appearances!

Then we haul that wood with the four wheeler, over to our house...which, incidentally, requires mud boots and a sword for bubba!

We met our new cousin Claire, who is perfect in every way.
She also graced us with her mommy's presence, my fab sister Debra!

We've been very naughty and gotten in trouble...

We have celebrated the holiday at school...(Bubba's best bud, Ian)

We've played a little webkinz with Daddy...

We have done a lot of driving to holiday functions and family gatherings...

We've been hot, well just Rob really!

Most of all we have been thankful for what matters most to us. Happy Thanksgiving! Bring on Christmas, woo hoo!!!


Steph said...

Hooray, you're back! I've been missing you on here! (And ya know, in actual real life too :) ) Seeing your house and cute family makes me want to go back for a visit to let the boys run wild again! I love your background - love Thanksgiving, but hooray Christmas is coming!

Chris said...

Umm no that wasn't me in acapella! You obviously have never heard me sing. But Danny was in acapella and madrigals, I think your mom even gave him voice lessons at one point? Hope you had a great thanksgiving.

Nicalee said...

That is a cute post. I love your cute family. Looking forward to Christmas with the fam too. We have the greatest family. I feel lucky to have my best friends by my sisters. Love you!

Stewart Family said...

Cutest family ever!!!

Laura said...

Thanks for the invite to your super secret blog. I so have blogging ruts too, my life is just so boring sometimes.

PS Your family is so perfectly cute.

Sarah said...

So cute! Love your pictures. I'll be up in Midway for Christmas. Maybe I can visit someitme while I'm up there. I'll call you:)